busy busy busy... again. but so happy now my little heart tree painting is finally all wrapped up and sent off...
...and the sun is out! pete is excited as this means he can finally get started on the surfboard he's been making... check out the homemade calipers he designed!
and i thought i'd celebrate the weekend with some blueberry muffins... they're in the oven and starting to smell pretty good! they are the result of four years of research into dairy and wheat-free baking, and if you have recently found out that you cannot tolerate either of these ingredients then don't worry, there's no need to think you'll never be able to eat cake again (like i did!)

i've gone for a nigella lawson recipe, substituting the flour for half dove's farm gluten-free plain flour and half white spelt flour (both available in health-food shops and larger supermarkets)... if you need totally gluten-free then i like using half ground almonds instead of the spelt - they make a great substitute and are totally yummy! and don't forget to check your baking powder is gluten-free too - some are made with wheat flour. i use 'pure' (a vegetable margarine) or goat's butter (st helen's farm only, i find others have a much too strong goaty taste - yuk) in place of butter, and half semi-skimmed goat's milk and half goat's (or sheep's) yoghurt in place of buttermilk.
i don't know if anyone else has similar food issues but i am always grateful for any suggestions, and happy to give advice if i can!
can't wait to tuck in with a big mug of tea!
hope you're having a happy sunday! :o) xx